Riverview Community Centre

Fisher Park Fall Clean up and Celebration was a success!

On September 28,  friends and neighbours gathered on a glorious late-summer Saturday for the 5th annual Fall Clean-up and Celebration in Fisher Park, hosted by Friends of Fisher Park.

Approximately 50 adults and 35 hard-working children cleaned-up the central flower bed, distributed 2 truck-loads of wood chip mulch, banded vulnerable trees, and did general tidying all morning to ready this beautiful green space for winter. In addition to the general clean up in the park, Green Drop was on hand to once again demonstrate proper tree planting techniques, donating two lindens to fill in some gaps due to elm tree loss. Green Drop arborists also offered some expert advice to Kristina Hunter, Chair of Friends of Fisher Park, assisting in an annual park assessment to help with long term planning. 

It was not all hard work.  Volunteers enjoyed doughnuts and home baking, coffee from Park Line Cafe, and a hot dog lunch, before dancing together with Karli and Tim from WackyDoodle Dance Party.  What a great way to bid farewell to summer and usher in the fall.

Thanks to City of Winnipeg Parks Branch for ongoing support of our park.  Thanks to local businesses for generous cash or in-kind donations:  Park Theatre, Park Line CoffeeGreen Drop, Alsip’s Building Products, our local Safeway, Chaeban, Black Market Provisions.  Thanks also to Tessa Allen for children’s games and activities, the planning committee, and all volunteers, friends and neighbours who donate time, money, and good will to make this a great event on our annual calendar.

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