Starting Thursday, Nov. 28 – 6:30-8pmEcole Riverview School, 253 Maplewood Ave (Winnipeg, MB) Join us for a family-friendly drop-in program in partnership with Ecole Riverview School! Bring the whole family for an...
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Nov. 30: RVCC-CCC
Get ready for the RVCC C.C.C. coming November 30th! The event will kick off with the crib tournament starting at 2pm, followed by chili tasting for the epic chili cookoff at 5:30 pm, and the silent auction for crafts...
Winter Programs
Winter programming registration opens Dec. 1. We have many returning programs this season and a few new ones as well! Please take time to check out to browse the sidebar and see all the new programs that have come to...
Parent Party Social Winning Numbers
Parent Party Social Prize Winners! A huge thank-you to everyone who joined us on Saturday for an amazing evening of fun! Here are the winning numbers for the prizes: 020100: Trader Pack 215635: Jets Game Day #1 020107:...
Jan. 26: Family Skate Night
Join us for family skate night! All skill levels are welcome to enjoy an evening of music, good company, and fun on the ice. Bring your skates, and make some great winter memories together!
Sunday, Jan. 26, 20256-8pm
Jan. 26: RVCC Women’s Grey Hares Tournament
Sunday, Jan. 26, 2025 Registration opens Dec. 1 The Greyhares annual women’s hockey tournament is returning on Sunday, January 26th! Gather your team of 8 players and a goalie and register for a day of...