Riverview Community Centre

Jiu-Jitsu Self-defence

April 7 – June 2
Tuesdays + Thursdays
7:30pm – 9:00pm

Welcome to Buke-Do Combat Arts! (FYI pronounced “Boo-Kay-Doe”)

We are excited to bring our program to Riverview Community Centre! Buke-Do Combat Arts is led by Shihan Barry Hill. He is currently a 5th Degree Black Belt in Buke-Do Jiu-Jitsu.

Over the past 20+ years of training and instruction, Shihan Hill has built a program that supports the development of students in a respectful and inclusive environment, to provide the best outcomes for individuals as they train in the essential life-skill of self-defence.

Our Jiu-Jitsu is continuously adapting to present-day conditions. Above all else, it is a practical and effective system of self-defence.

Class may be attended casually on a month-by-month basis, or as a uniformed student who will progress through ranks as they develop.


Discounted rates available for multiple sessions & returning students. Pro-rated rates available for special circumstances upon approval.

Please contact Barry Hill at buke.do.jj@outlook.com for rates, registration package, and more information.

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