Riverview Community Centre

Category - Youth Sports


Our Baseball program is open to players aged 4 – 18. There is no requirement to have any previous skills or experience with baseball. This is a recreation program primarily focused on ensuring players have fun and are...


The WMBA Community Centre League is a city-wide league where teams compete against other teams from different areas in the city. Players register online for their community centre and teams are formed based on...

Youth Soccer

Youth soccer is open to youth players aged 9 – 18. There is no requirement to have any previous skills or experience with soccer. Recreation youth soccer is primarily focused on ensuring players have fun and are being...


Each year, the softball season starts with online player registration in late February or early March and practices start as soon as we can get on the fields or find indoor locations. The regular season typically runs...

Softball Clinics

The WSWYSA League is hosting 2 more clinics in 2025! We will be offering a 10 week Pitching clinic for those girls who are interested in learning how to become pitchers and for those who want to sharpen their...

Jackrabbits Hockey

Intro and Advanced: Jackrabbits hockey is a great way to introduce your child to the ice in a fun and engaging way! Our volunteer coaches will teach the basics of skating through simple hockey themed exercises and...

Girls Baseball

Baseball Manitoba is excited to bring Girls Baseball to Winnipeg and Brandon this Spring! Girls Baseball is a Development Program for girls ages 7-12 who want to learn to play baseball – no experience...

2025 Spring Programs

We have some popular fitness programs returning for you this spring! Please take time to browse the sidebar and see all the programs happening at the Riverview Community Centre. We hope you see something that interests...

illustration of softball equipment

Softball Clinics

Check out these upcoming softball clinics: Pitching: This clinic is run by the community clubs within the Winnipeg Southwest League, and will be taught by a MSA certified pitching clinician. They will provide...

RVCC Calendar