Get ready for the RVCC C.C.C. coming November 30th! The event will kick off with the crib tournament starting at 2pm, followed by chili tasting for the epic chili cookoff at 5:30 pm, and the silent auction for crafts...
Category - Older Adults
RVCC apparel orders now open!
Tuques, hoodies and sweatpants available!Our online store is open until Oct. 31, 2024 Riverview Community Centre Apparel Centre Shipping Options: Select “Free Centralized Pickup” to have your order...
Nov 1-3: Yoga Postures, Practices, and Process for our Aging Bodies
with Hart Lazer “Aging is not a disease any more than adolescence is— it’s something that happens to all of usas we get older,”Dr. Jessica Kalender-Rich, M.D. As Hart enjoys his fourth decade of yoga study, he’s...