Riverview Community Centre

Indoor Basketball

Join our 2023/2024 indoor season. Play will be on Mondays at Lord Roberts Community School.

Register now

Softball Clinics

Check out these upcoming softball clinics: Pitching: This clinic is run by the community clubs within the Winnipeg Southwest League, and will be taught by a MSA certified pitching clinician. They will provide...

Jan. 17 – 26: Winterfest

WinterFEST is Riverview’s ultimate Winter celebration! With a week-long program of events, you’ll have lots of opportunities to get out and enjoy the season with your friends and neighbours! Date of events: Friday, Jan...

Donate to Riverview Community Centre

Thank you for your donation and for supporting the Riverview Community Centre! Donations $20 and over will receive a tax receipt. An official tax receipt will be issued by the City of Winnipeg and mailed to the address...

Dance Jam Class

Dance Jam is a dance based cardio class that will increase your heart rate while having fun!  About Chelsea  It has been her wildest dream to both create and bring to life this dance cardio program. Why...


Current Volunteer Opportunities Sign up to volunteer at our upcoming events! Frostbite river run – jan. 19 4×4 Tournament – Jan. 24+25 Women’s 4×4 tournament – Jan. 26 Committee Call...

Grey Hares Hockey

Are you new to hockey, new to skating, want to improve your skating or hockey skills, or just want to have fun? Join the Grey Hares at RVCC! This program is aimed at women 18 years of age and over interested in learning...

Pilates + Foundation Training

Pilates Come and experience a discipline that requires your focus on muscle control, breathing and body posture to enhance your core stability and strength. Mondays 7pm with Eva Winter Session starting Jan. 13 6 week...

Programs + Events

Programs + Events

Take a look at the programs and events happening at Riverview Community Centre in the calendar below.

Community Groups

About Find community groups organizing to make our community a better place, and groups that meet regularly like clubs, exercise groups, or classes. This is a hub where people can get more involved with their...

RVCC Board + Staff

Board Members President Jason Oliver president@riverviewcc.ca Vice-President vacant Past President vacant Treasurer Dom Marinelli Secretary Laura Reimer Events Coordinator Quinn Fletcher Renovations and Grants Director...

About RVCC

Riverview Community Centre offers a wide variety of year-round sports, programs, classes, and rental options. With two outdoor rinks, a playground, two tennis courts, a basketball court, two baseball diamonds, two...

Rink Advertising

Every winter our rinks attract thousands of skaters. Be a part of each new first skate, hockey faceoff, and summer field day. We have one standard permanent outdoor rink and one brand new second rink that includes a...

RVCC Calendar